Wit Woo Beauty


If your hectic lifestyle is making you frazzled, relaxation treatments and techniques can bring you back into balance. It’s about experimenting and finding out what works for you, helping restore some serenity into life, not that we are trying to escape but just take a breath to appreciate all that we have and the chance to acknowledge things and how things make us feel.

How do I feel at this moment?
What makes me happiest?
What am I putting off?
What’s making me down?
Am I making time to be social?
Do I have enough quiet time?
What scares me, does it hold me back?

Oh my, the list is endless, that is if you have time to reflect and consider the bigger picture.


Routine can be a fabulous way to keep our lives on track, and it is so very important for us to book a little time out believe in yourself, and your belief will help create the fact. The more positive you are, in fact choose to be a positive person, like a magnet, the easier you will attract positive people, a win-win situation all round as the positivity rubs off!

The Wit Woo Family are people who inspire me daily, and I inspire them too, this time out space is a safe space to engage, where strengths are praised and supported and challenges worked through without any shame or embarrassment, it is a very special thing to be someone’s Beauty Therapist, and I absolutely love it with a passion.


The relationship you have with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have, make yours great! Having a self-care routine has been proven to reduce anxiety and depression, reduce stress, improve concentration, cut down on feelings of frustration and anger, increase happiness, improve energy levels and more. So …. if you don’t have a self-care plan now is a great time to start, recommit to your self-care regimen, the one you tried the last time, just pick up where you left off. You will stay physically, mentally and emotionally well, as research shows that selfcare promotes positive health outcomes, such as living longer having resilience, and becoming better equipped to manage stress.

Wit Woo Beauty can help you achieve this, self-love is definitely an inside job, different needs, wants and expectations, let’s get you committed to being the very best version of you. So you can focus on stepping into the future in a positive way, define what is necessary for you to do. And say NO to the rest, as we build your self-focused new better you….. better lunches, more sleep, take a plant and put it on your desk, buy yourself some flowers for home… ha ha something to signify I’m in love with me.


Health starts from within, Wit Woo is the brand you can trust, we are really looking forward to providing that safe space for pampers, making you feel better. Being good to yourself is needed to make a happy life, top recommendations to start this journey is a back massage followed by a facial, and weeks between your next woo time treat bubble baths face scrubs and masks at home. A walk out in nature when the sun shines, with or without company, a good book or magazine, whatever floats your boat just make sure that you treat yourself like your very best friend. Take a breath, no pressure, enjoy it all…. sending positive vibes only, life is a journey of ups and downs rather than holding on, just ride it out like the crest of a wave, we must try .

Be content to be authentically you, no need to compare or compete, you are enough.

Few hints and tips to help with your selfcare, looking forward to hearing everyone’s experiences at the appointments, better known as “WOO TIME X”.

Thank you for reading this weeks blog – 2023 GIVING THE WORLD THE BEST VERSION OF ME … . If you would like anymore information please Get In Touch!

Positive Vibes only

Love Woo x

Sam xxx

Wit Woo the brand you can trust

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